The Thing With Feathers talks ‘Golden’ release, Emily Dickinson, tour life, and more…
Nashville- based alt-rock, indie-pop band, The Thing With Feathers, announced the release of their latest single, ‘Golden’, on February 10. Here we are on February 24, it’s here and it’s absolutely electric. The release of ‘Golden’ closely followed the release of ‘Everything I’m Missing’, which gained support from LiveNation Ones To Watch. These two are singles off of their upcoming EP, which is expected to be out in the near future.
David Welcsh (vocals), Alex Hendricks (lead guitar), and Chris Roussell (drums), create a harmonious blend of indie-rock and punk sounds on this track that is reminiscent of many of their inspirations, including The 1975 and The Strokes. Despite the upbeat tone, ‘Golden’ is a track about a relationship fueled by insecurity. Welcsh says “The idea for ‘Golden’ sort of smacked me in the face one night. I had been experiencing some writer’s block and we really had yet to write much of the EP at all. I was lent a classical guitar with nylon strings that had been tuned a step down. And sure as shit I sat down and wrote the main riff.“
Every time I think The Feathers have come out with my favorite song of theirs, they release a new song. I absolutely love ‘Golden’; it’s upbeat, I can dance to it, and scream it to the top of my lungs in the car with the windows down. The Feathers never fail to impress me with their heavy-hitting lyrics paired with complex instrumentals. The guitar riffs, vocals, and drums blend effortlessly to create a song that is sure to please everyone.
Via Via Donnelly
Our Editor-In-Chief, Via Donnelly, and I, had the opportunity to ask the band about the new single, tour life, and other exciting things surrounding The Feathers.
Question: How did you come up with the initial tracking for ‘Golden’?
Answer: We made the record at one of our favorite spots in Nashville called Trace Horse Studios with our lovely producer Kyle Dreaden. He’s like big brother and musical spirit guide all in one.
Via The Thing With Feathers on Spotify
Q: Tell us a little about Everything I’m Missing (the writing process, the filming of the mv, the response to it)
A: ‘Everything I’m Missing’ started off as a riff I came up with during a co-write with Ben Cramer (Old Sea Brigade), we came up with the first verse and the start of the chorus together. Then when we went into the studio, the song sort of took a different shape, becoming more upbeat and reminiscent of the music of our early childhood. The music video sort of just happened, we love hot moms, not much else to it. Actually, we’ve always wanted to just have fun with our music videos and when we came up with the idea it quickly got the green light. The video pays homage to the video for Lit’s ‘My Own Worst Enemy.’ The response to the song and the video has been overwhelming and awesome! People have been so complimentary. It’s really fun. Honestly it was a little unexpected, I have always liked the song but I would’ve guessed that other songs on the record would have gotten this reaction over ‘Everything I’m Missing’. Just goes to show you never can tell.
Q: Can you tell us anything about the new album and/or tour?
A: We’re hoping to tour Antarctica but have only gotten as far as Florida. We start touring in April, starting with some shows in Cleveland and Chicago with our friends The Criticals. The upcoming EP is simply a continuation of us exploring our sound. In the studio, all of the songs just came to life so effortlessly and it was a fucking ball. We’re extremely proud of the record and the direction we’re headed in. It’s a relief to see all the countless hours we pour into this project creating something that is unique and sounds like us. We’ve always wanted to be the kind of band that carved out their own little corner in rock and roll and every time we get together it feels like we’re just dialing it in more and more. The EP generally explores themes of 1860’s French infrastructure as well as babes.
Q: Did the name “The Thing With Feathers” come from the Emily Dickinson poem ‘Hope Is The Thing With Feathers’? Or what was the inspiration behind the name?
A: The name does come from the Emily Dickinson poem. Music has always been a source of hope for us and something that connects us to something greater. We love making music and have a fucking blast doing it, but for me it’s always been hope and something that made me feel less alone. And I want the band to be that for everyone.
Q: What made you want to start a band? How did you three meet?
A: We had all taken a shot at being in different bands before we knew each other but it never clicked. When we met in college and started to finally play together it was just different. It was magic. 1+1=3 and all that shit. It was real, it was us, and we all put ourselves into it. When people do that genuinely the whole becomes more than the sum of its parts. Also, we’re completely unemployable.
Q: If you could only listen to one artist for the rest of your life who would it be?
A: Elliot Smith
Q: Is there a certain venue you have on your bucket list?
A: The moon...unfortunately the Cardigans were first but we can be the second. -Alex. I want to headline Glastonbury or Bonnaroo! -Dave
Q: Who are some of your musical inspirations?
A: We are all heavily influenced by the early 2000’s New York indie scene. Bands like LCD Soundsystem, the Strokes and Kings of Leon. But we love a ton of stuff. I really admire live bands and frontmen like Dave Grohl and Bruce Springsteen. I also think the 1975’s approach to using the music that’s inspired you to guide your own is very cool.
Q: What is your pre-show ritual?
A: Tequila and stretching.
Q: What is your favorite bird?
A: New York City pigeons.
Q: If you could have the chance to play with any artist dead or alive, who would it be?
A: Taylor Hawkins. Watching his instincts in action was invigorating. He truly was the heartbeat of one of the best live bands of all time. Jamming with him would’ve been nuts.
Q: What does your songwriting process look like? Is there a certain thing/event/person you tend to write about?
A: It usually works with Dave coming in with a chunk of a song and we’ll go from there, other times it’s a small melodic idea and we’ll jam it. A lot of the times our songs come from very small ideas and we build them into something greater.
Q: What is the best advice that you have ever gotten? The worst?
A: Best advice we’ve ever gotten was to go out and support as many small local acts as possible, because if you’re not going out to actively take part in the scene, you’re going to have a hard time making it in the scene. Worst advice was for Dave to wear leather pants and Alex to grow a beard.
Q: What advice would you like to give to young musicians that want to follow in your footsteps?
A: Get in a room and play till you don’t want to see each other for a week. To be a tight band there’s really no other way.
Q: How would you describe your style of music in three words or less?
A: Flirtatious sad indie.
Q: What is the most amount of trouble you have gotten into?
A: I got it pretty good for testing out my fake ID in high school at bars downtown in Cleveland. My mom called me at like 1:00 am when I was supposed to be at a friend’s place. Somehow, between looking at my phone and seeing her name pop up, to when I raised it to my ear, I forgot who was calling. I answered drunkenly, slurring out “Who’s this?” and all I heard on the other line was yelling. I went back into the bar and splashed water on my face and called her back and I was like “Hey sorry, I’m in an Uber we’re going back to Jack’s now.” She was yelling and basically was like “You’re drunk!!” And I went “No I’m not. Listen to how clearly I’m speaking.” And she goes “You’re drunk, you’re just trying harder.” Next morning when I got home, she told my dad “Guess what your son did?” My loving mother who is my biggest fan disowned me for that day. -Dave
Q: Is there a certain show of yours that sticks out?
A: Honestly, the first headlining show we did in Nashville really jumps out at me. It was the first time we had officially sold out a venue and we had a ton of family and friends in town. It was just a special one.
Q: What is the best show you’ve ever been to? The worst? The first?
A: The best is tough… I’ve seen some pretty nuts shows. Off the top of my head, The 1975, The Who, The Foo Fighters and Jason Isbell have been some of my favorites. The worst I’m not going to answer and be mean. My first concert was Brooks & Dunn lol.
Q: What was the creative process behind the ‘Everything I’m Missing’ MV?
A: We really wanted to showcase the fact that we’re actually pretty goofy people. Our last few videos had been super serious which was cool, but that’s actually pretty far from who we really are as people so when the opportunity came to get some cougars in the mix we were stoked.
Q: What are you most looking forward to with the shows in April?
A: We are just really excited to get back on the road. Hauling ass across the country crammed in a van trying to make it has been one of our most formative life experiences so far. We fucking love it. Nothing else compares.
Q: What is the best part about being on tour?
A: Looking back and seeing Chris passed out in the backseat.
Q: What is your favorite thing about performing for an audience?
A: Live music is such a communal thing for all of us. We fell in love with it because it made us feel less alone. Like we’re a part of something bigger than ourselves. There’s no greater joy than when we are playing and we tap into that energy and then you look up at the crowd and everyone is right there with you. Connected by something that is absolutely out of this world. I love the involuntary eruption of excitement and the look of “fuck yeah” on people’s faces when you start their favorite song. To put it simply, it’s awesome!
The Thing With Feathers tells a story with their music, but doesn’t explicitly say what the song is about. “That’s not the point,” David continues. “I mean we write the songs about our lives and the things around us but they’re for all of us. We want you to hear music in your life and recognise it as a part of your story. It’s something for you to carry with you as much as it is for me.”
I want to thank The Thing With Feathers for taking the time to answer these questions for us and for giving us insight into who they are as a band. I, and all of us here at Melomania, are so excited to see what the future holds for The Thing With Feathers. Be sure to check out ‘Golden’ on Spotify, get tickets to see The Feathers open for The Criticals here, and keep up with The Feathers here!
Follow The Thing With Feathers on Instagram, Tik Tok, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.